Upon completion of the UW LEAH training program, trainees successfully achieve the following leadership competencies:
- Mastery of MCH Leadership Competencies and administrative skills to affect systems change, for adolescents and families from diverse populations.
- Knowledge and skill in all aspects of adolescent health, including: prevention and health promotion, physical & psychosocial development, treatment strategies, care coordination, evidence-based practice, medical home, and adolescent healthcare transition to adult care issues.
- Mastery of the interdisciplinary team skills (e.g., team building, shared leadership, mutual accountability) and communication skills (e.g. verbal, written, and conflict resolution).
- Knowledge of life course theory, the social environment (the family, community, and school), and other social determinants of health in adolescents.
- Skill in family-centered, culturally competent, community-based health care practices.
- Knowledge and skill to evaluate, apply, and conduct research in all aspects of adolescent health.
- Knowledge and skill applying Title V legislation and policies, and public health core functions to maternal and child health program and practice issues.
- Ability to utilize information technology (e.g. electronic communication media, information and data management, electronic medical records, and distance learning) to promote innovative practice models.